HAND Inc. is a 501(c)3 U.S. nonprofit organization
Improving Lives & Building Community
HAND addresses the housing needs of low- and moderate-income individuals, families and senior citizens in Indianapolis’ northern suburbs.

Mission Statement
HAND provides quality affordable housing and advocates for housing options where everyone can thrive.
Discover Our Impact
Our charge and responsibility in life is always to reach back to help others so we all can move forward. The efforts of this organization further addresses diversity/inclusion equity by closing the housing affordability gaps. Thank you for the noble work that you do.

William Howard

Affordable housing is essential for this community, especially as we age. Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County helps older adults age in place as long as safely possible, serving many HAND residents with our programs. Our partnership is essential to preserve independence and dignity, encourage financial stability, and promote social connections for aging residents.

Lauren Guynn, JD/LCSW
Executive Director, Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County

Why the Suburbs Need #Housing4All
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